Jesus’ sufferings

Luke 18: 32-33

Jesus had spoken about the fate that awaited Him. Now He gave more details:

● Handed over to the Romans. The Sanhedrin did not have power to execute, therefore they handed Him over to Pilate and demanded His death, even death on a cross. Jesus would hear His own people demanding His crucifixion, something which even surprised evil Pilate. Moreover it would be one of His own disciples who betrayed Him. However it was Father who handed Him over, giving His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for the world.

● Mocked, insulted and spat upon. This declares the hatred which fallen humanity has for Christ. The Lord who spoke creation into being, who in His divinity is Lord of Hosts, would be subject to humiliation as He bore our griefs and sorrows. Mockery shows utter contempt. Insulting speaks of the false accusations. Some had already decided that Jesus was a devil. Spitting declares hatred. Jesus would be stripped, clothed in a robe and made to look like a clown king. In Isaiah 53:3 we are told that He was bearing our griefs.

● Scourged. The scourge left His back like a ploughed field. Isaiah 53:5 states that it is by His wounds that we are healed.

● Killed. Jesus had to pay the death penalty because the wages of sin are death.

Whenever Jesus spoke about His death He always assured the disciples that He would be raised to life again. He would conquer death by dying and being raised. He died in full faith that Father would raise Him. Isaiah 53:4 speaks about the one who died seeing the fruits of His suffering. Hence He would rise from the grave. He would have conquered sin, death and Satan.
