Paul and Barnabas came to Antioch of Pisidia and preached in the synagogue. They received a favourable response and some turned to Christ at once. News spread throughout the city and next week there were few citizens who did not gather at the synagogue. One might have expected the Jews to be thrilled that at last this ungodly city was turning to God. Far from it, they were jealous that here were two men who were far more successful than they had been. Therefore they contradicted Paul while he was speaking and sought to convince the citizens that what was being taught was heresy. They even blasphemed Jesus.
Paul responded with boldness and warned the Jews that the gospel had to be taken to them first, in every city, but if it was refused they would turn to the Gentiles. As a result a dynamic and missionary church was planted.
For the last 2000 years one of the most resistant groups to the gospel has been the Jewish people. The book of Acts shows how most opposition to the church came from the synagogue. In 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-16 Paul speaks vehemently against those Jews who opposed the gospel message. However that was only about the opponents. Sadly some have taken it to apply to all Jews so that peaceful synagogues have been attacked.
The Reformers assumed that, now that the truth of the gospel had been restored, the Jews would turn to Christ. When they remained hardened some of the Reformers concluded that there was no future for them. Thus a heresy called ‘Replacement Theology’ sprung up. This teaches that God has finished with the Jews and hence they have no right to the land of Israel. This heresy, based on the hardness of most Jews, ignores the statement in Romans 11 that the hardening is temporary and the day will come when the Jewish people recognize their Messiah. So what should our response be? Definitely prayer for their eyes to be opened to Christ, but also to speak out when anyone speaks things in Jesus’ name that would cause the Jews to feel that the followers of their Messiah are hostile towards them. Thirdly pray that the ignorance of many in the churches over this matter will be ended due to good teaching.