Based on Numbers 32: 16-18

Unity between churches has sometimes meant things which cannot be called real unity.

● ‘We will initiate a project and you are welcome to join us’. In other words: our unity is based on the presumption that we will be in charge.

● Spiritual unity with those who do not love the Lord. 2 Chronicles 18 shows the folly of this and 2 Chronicles 19:2 shows the Lord’s anger.

Numbers 32 demonstrates what real unity looks like. Israel were attacked by the Amorites who dwelt to the east of the river Jordan and Israel defeated them and possessed their land. The tribes of Reuben and Gad asked Moses if they could possess this land rather than cross the Jordan and inherit on the west with the other tribes.

Initially Moses was reluctant but the tribes offered a win-win solution:

● They would cross the Jordan and work with the other tribes to receive their inheritance.

● They would not neglect their own inheritance but would continue to build it up.

Thus they would not neglect what God had given to them but they would seek to enable the others to receive their inheritance too.

When we work with other churches we are seeking to build the kingdom of God.


Jesus’ sufferings
